If you don’t like exercising, then don’t do it. Tired of eating salads every day and drinking 120 ounces of water just so you can lose weight? Stop doing it. Nobody is making you do it.
Any “expert” will tell you the only way to lose weight is exercise and to eat right. They are right, but they also leave out a very important element to the equation, Patience. Without patience, the entire process is a waste of time.
Why Do We Do What We Do?
We have been programmed to get what we want and get it now. If we can’t get it right when we ask for is usually because it is too hard and takes too much effort. So, we just replace it with something that is easier to obtain. We settle for the easier route and convince ourselves that is really what we wanted in the first place.
Remember that night you went to bed and were thin and in shape then you woke up the next morning and suddenly you were 100 lbs. overweight and got winded tying your shoes. Of course, you don’t because that is not the way it happened.
You started off, maybe as a teenager, maybe younger but at some point, you were in good shape. You had plenty of energy to run around and play and have fun. Then you would go inside and drink a soda and eat some sugary snack then back outside to burn off that abundance of energy.
As you got older you had to go to work and you started slowing down. You didn’t have as much time to play and have fun because you had to adult. And everybody knows adulting is no fun. What did you do? You started doing things to relax after working all day. When you got home you would have a beer, sit down and watch TV or get on the computer.
During the day you would get tired a little earlier than you did the day before.
You wouldn’t notice it because it was a slow process but every day you would hit that point where you just wanted to take a nap. Well in the adult world they frown on you napping so you had to find a way to get around “naptime”.
What was the answer? Caffeine and sugar of course. You would grab a soda and a donut or some energy bar (because energy bars have nuts and that’s healthy) and off you would go to finish your adulting.
One day you started to notice that you are tired in the mornings because you haven’t been sleeping well for the past 10 years so you got some sugary cereal and milk to go along with your morning coffee and low-fat muffin (because adults eat low-fat things). Maybe some eggs, toast and a glass of OJ because that is what is in the picture for a well-balanced breakfast and breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Now you are stuffed and late for work because it took you and an extra hour to fix your breakfast and the
n eat all of it. You can’t waste food because little kids are starving overseas. Now it is too late to fix your lunch, so you will have to grab some fast food, again. That makes about…every single day in a row that you grabbed fast food.
Miracle Pill!
So here you are tired, overweight, depressed, hungry and wanting to change it all overnight.
Lucky for you there is a pill that can do just that. Scientists have discovered a new drug that will let you lose 25 pounds a week and give you all the energy of a 6-year-old with a sugar rush. The best part is it’s free to the first 100 customers.
Did you feel that? A little tingle in your gut telling you that maybe this time it’s real. I mean scientists are always discovering new things. They must, or they would be out of a job.
Guess what. It’s not real. It never has been. It never will be. If we keep spending our hard-earned money, that we earned by adulting every day, they will keep lying to us.
So how do you stop it? First, quit buying their crap. Remember, “Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me 30 more times and I’m probably an idiot.”
How many times have you:
- Bought the latest diet pill,
- Gone on the newest diet
- Bought a “Spend 5 Minutes a Day” exercise video (that you never opened)
Are you still fat? Of course, you are, or you wouldn’t still be reading, hoping to find the answer to all your problems.
Remember what I said earlier about Patience? That’s the answer. It is the answer to more than weight loss but slow down, baby steps. You did not get fat overnight. Why in the world would you think you could lose weight overnight?
I know you need to get thin by next month because your reunion is coming up and you would hate for Bobby Joe Hulkton to see you fat. You should have thought of that 100 donuts ago. Get over him. If you are losing weight for someone else, do yourself a favor and keep the weight. You are just going to gain it back later anyway. The only way you are going to get healthy is if you are doing it for you and only you.
How Does It Work?
Let me explain how Patience works and why it is the best way for the average person to get and stay healthy.
If you have been trying to lose weight for a while, then I am sure you have done a ton of research on what is healthy and what is not. All you have to do is change one bad thing a month or every other month.
You know sodas are bad for you. This month stop drinking sodas. If you drink 5 a day, then this week only drink 4 a day. Next week just 3 a day and so on. Replace them with a different drink. One that has no sugar or sugar substitute.
“Sugar is the Debil!” Drink unsweet tea, lemon water, plain water or black coffee. Figure out something you like with no sweetener in it.
Maybe you don’t drink sodas, but you eat 5 donuts for breakfast. Same concept. Figure out what it is you are ingesting that is bad for you and stop it. Do it a little at a time and one day you will just not be doing that anymore. It really is that simple. If you backslide and have a soda one day after you quit, who cares? Just don’t make a habit of it.
You probably know that everything that one person says is good for you another person is going to say it is bad. So, what do you do? Don’t make a big deal out of it. Do what works for you.
There Is No Perfect Diet
- You are not going to have the perfect diet so don’t try to. Use your common sense and be patient. You know if you eat an entire large pizza it’s bad for you. So only eat 2 slices.
- Gluttony made you fat so stop being a glutton. Walk away from the table hungry every now and then.
- Don’t count calories. That is what people on diets do.
- Only weigh yourself once a month or never again. Daily weigh-ins just piss you off, so don’t do them.
- Go by how you feel and how your clothes fit instead of how much you weigh. Weight is an illusion given to us as a way to judge ourselves. If someone is 6’1” and 220 lbs. are they fat or muscular? You don’t know without seeing them. FORGET THE WEIGHT ILLUSION!
Start replacing bad foods you like with better alternatives. The internet is great for that. Are you trying to cut out white flour? Use almond or coconut flour. I will bet you that any food you like will have a healthy recipe for it online.
Remember I said that exercise sucks so don’t do it? After you lose some weight you start getting more energy. With all that extra energy you are going to start doing more things. Once you start doing more things your body is going to want to move around more and have some fun. I hate to be the one to break it to you but that is exercise. You don’t have to be in a gym to exercise. Bowling with friends is exercise.
Once you start getting healthier you are automatically going to start making better food choices. You will start thinking that maybe instead of ordering the Fettuccini Alfredo the Salmon and Veggies sound better. You know you will feel healthier and better about yourself. Now this healthier eating is your everyday diet and you will wonder how people can eat some of that other unhealthy crap.
One day you are going to wake up feeling great and looking forward to getting the day started.
You will have more energy at work.
You will start making new friends because you will be doing different activities where you meet new people.
You will have a more positive outlook on the world and by the Universal Law of Attraction more positive things will come your way.
All of this starts with just changing one small thing every month or so. This is not going to happen overnight or even in a month or two, but it will happen, and you won’t even see it coming. Just like the way you got fat in the first place.
Remember what some dead guy once said,
“A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.”
(He was probably alive when he said it, just to be clear).
No matter how slow the process, forward progress is forward progress.
Finally, you will realize that maybe diet and exercise don’t suck so bad after all.